Do More Good Faster


Do More Good Faster is an integrated support system that empowers philanthropy’s funding sources to achieve four critical outcomes through funding their recipients:

·       Increase measurable impact from funding doing good

·       Increase recipients’ capability to do more good faster

·       Empower recipients to improve their self-sustainability

·       Manage the risks inherent within funding innovation




When it comes to getting good done, a paradigm shift is rapidly occurring.  Needs are intensifying while resources are becoming more scarce.  Continuing to do good in the same manner will not resolve this increasing gap.  The result will be increasing collective cost measured in social and economic waste.

Recipients express concern that they lack the capability to simultaneously deliver services, transform their delivery systems, and improve self-sustainability.  Funding sources share that they are not staffed to help recipients achieve these outcomes.  This growing gap needs to be closed sooner rather than later.

Why not use an ‘abundance’ paradigm to challenge, equip and support those doing good to accelerate getting good done?  Why not ask the following questions…then resource and empower those who are willing to risk trying to succeed against today’s challenges?

·       What good are you trying to get done? Why?

·       What good would you really want to get done? Why?

·       What would be your strategy to get this good done?

·       What would you need by when in order to fulfill your plan?

·       What would you need to fulfill your plan even faster?

·       How would you determine if you are producing the desired impact?



Those who provide resources to better achieve target outcomes:

Pre-qualifying funding opportunities

Developing an annual funding strategy

Managing the strategy’s implementation

Improving the recipient’s performance

Performing measurable impact reporting

Managing the inherent risks of innovation

  Those who receive resources to better achieve desired outcomes by:

Developing a performance improvement plan

Managing impact measurement processes

Designing self-sustainability strategies

Coaching leaders to guide innovation